Sunday, January 4, 2009

Gotta Have House!

Happy New Year everybody! Lots of new things on the horizon - just purchased an interface so I can finally start the mission of downloading all my vinyl onto my computer. Needless to say, after collecting for almost 25 years now it is going to be a major undertaking. On the upside it is now going to allow me to preserve my precious collection and unearth some rarities on this blog that I have not been able to present thus far. The bulk of my collection is 80's rap and 80's/90's house, with a good bit of reggae 45" and funk as well. Stayed tuned in the upcoming months for many treasures. Also, on a quick note I want to mention the importance of using this blog not only to share music with people worldwide, but also knowledge pertaining to artists and songs. As such, I will try to include background info on most of the stuff I post in order to facilitate this goal. Those of you that wish to contribute to the blog can contact me via my contact info posted on the sidebar. Also, I have had a few inquiries about the map on this blog. The link was made back in May, but I only posted it in the last couple of days, thus the inaccurate tally of hits. Looking forward to hearing feedback and comments from all of you. Thanks for your continued support. Keep great music alive!
In continuation of my house classics posts here is a gem for you to enjoy...

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